Saturday, June 4, 2022

Hierarchy Business/Pyramid/MLM - A job that looks cool that is not so cool

 If a stranger you just met on grocery shop or any other public places like kid’s school, library and makes an attempt to talk about a business that doesn’t need any qualifications but can make you

  1. Financial freedom 
  2. Be your own boss
  3. Passive income that you will earn more than your primary job
  4. You can work at your free time
  5. eCources, Seminars, Marketing, Products etc

If you hear one or more of these words, you definitely are talking to a MLM Multi Level Marketing/Pyramid/ Hierarchy Business personal.

Since MLM is banned in most countries, they are using a loophole to sell products and since you are considered partners of the company, you are made to believe, you are selling your own products. Usually these products don’t have a brand, more expensive, but the motivation is it’s your product. The other main component is adding more people under you and that’s why the name pyramid. But the catch is that the entire world’s population will be consumed within level 15. Only the people at the top most few layers will make money. The rest of the 90% are only going to loose money.

If you come across these, I would highly recommend you go through this article by US Federal Trade commission Consumer Advice

Watch these videos:

If this job has to do anything with Multi-Level Marketing Businesses/Pyramid or similar Schemes, I would highly recommend you go through this article by US Federal Trade Commission Consumer Alert But the theme of the content makes me think so. I actually don't know what kind of job it is. 

I see there are 180 people who have replied to this post and I can't message all of them. I have replied only to 5-10 people above my message If you think I did the right thing by alerting you, please let me know. Let's alert others.

The few keywords these people use are

1) part time / Full time income source

2) We have Doctors, Engineers, Professors, bla bla

3) You will earn more than your regular job

Friday, June 3, 2022

Immigration: Lost/Stolen Passport having Valid Visa

As per:

Lost or stolen U.S. visas cannot be replaced. For replacement of a visa, you must apply in person at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate abroad. When applying for the replacement of a visa, you will need to provide a written account documenting the loss of your passport and visa. Include a copy of the police report.

Here are brief steps:

  • Go to the local police station and report your lost or stolen passport/visa.
  • Report your Visa Lost/Stolen to the U.S. Embassy or Consulate Abroad 
  • Applying for a Replacement U.S. Visa